Our Favorite Supplies/Materials/Equipment
Here's some resources for picking up soap making supplies and suppliers! These are all resources we currently use or have used and still trust. Some of these are affiliate links and will be marked with ***. These have the same price you would normally pay but we get a percentage back if you use our links. It's a great way to help support us and doesn't cost you anything extra!
***Our Amazon Affiliates storefront
Contains a variety of equipment and ingredients for soap making, bath bombs, and lip balms. We often still buy our equipment from Amazon. For things like oils, in small quantities combined with free shipping, Amazon is the best pricing when you're first starting out. Once you need to buy in larger quantities, it's better to purchase those from a different source (we recommend Soaper's Choice, listed below).
Get a $100 Shopify subscription credit if you keep your shop active for 45 days. As a referral, we would also get a $100 subscription credit towards our bill as well!
Fragrance bae #1. Almost all of our fragrances come from them! Great customer service, good prices, fast shipping and processing, plus clear support of Black Lives Matter and living wages for their employees. We have no choice but to stan!
Soaper's Choice
Our primary oil and additive supplier. Prices are reasonable and is a great option for bulk sizes of oils. Our orders have never been wrong and are always processed quickly.
***The Good Glitter
Use our link to get a $10 discount, plus we get a $10 discount!
The Good Glitter offers amazing biodegradable soap stable glitters. We love them! We've used them for ages and we now are an affiliate with them, which is awesome.
***Nurture Soap
A great resource for a lot of the skin safe micas we use! Most of our current supply of colorants come from NS. Admittedly, we don't often purchase fragrances from them as we find their prices to be on the higher end for those.
***Mad Micas
A new favourite of ours! Our current #1 supplier for biodegradable glitters, titanium dioxide, and black iron oxide. We have slowly been incorporating more of their mica colorants as well because their potency is awesome. They also ship very quickly!
A multi-item stop for us with shopping. Our single loaf molds are BB 5lb molds and their fragrances are very well performing. They tend to be a little on the pricey side, so hold off if you can for sales or coupon offers.
Save $20 off an order of $50 or more when you use our link above. Our primary spot for ecofriendly packaging and shipping supplies! They're quick, environmentally friendly, and their products are great. We're big fans!
***Faire (wholesale marketplace)
We list our soaps at wholesale prices for larger quantity orders on Faire. This is an affiliate link.